And my first post will be about what inspired me to create the collection, which you can now find on the website.
It is about a wish of mine: a summer trip to Provence. I imagined evening bike rides, with the smell of lavender flowers in the air, visits to the local market for artisanal bread and vegetables, afternoons with a glass of cold white wine, peace, quiet and the chirping of crickets... I think that we all yearn for a lost normality and wish for peace and love to return to the world..
You can combine these dresses perfectly with the simplest accessories: bags and straw hats and the most comfortable shoes: canvas tennis shoes, sports sandals, slippers... Femininity is in being yourself: casual, free, fragile and authentic. .
O rochie simpatica, de purtat la birou, la o plimbare, la o iesire lejera la restaurant..bumbacul este subtire, potrivita pt anotimpul cald. Gulerasul ii da un aer de poveste, buzunarele sunt practice.
Finuță și delicată. Pare desprinsă din ilustrațiile unei cărți de povești. Se simte perfect pe piele, materialul e moale și fin. Una din cele mai iubite rochii de la Milla Milla.